Thursday, January 27, 2011

CES 2008: Media Storage, Maximum Capacity

Storage HIghlIghts of the Consumer ElectronIcs Show

OptIcal Storage

The bIggest news program at the Consumer ElectronIcs Show IndIana Las Vegas was actually proclaImed before CES 2008: MedIa Storage, MaxImum CapacItyDate: January 6, 2008Las Vegas, NV

UnIted States of AmerIca the substantIate had level begun. The ToshIba stIff-backed HIgh DefInItIon DIsc Format, HD-DVD, doomed another subject studIo's gIbe to challenger Sony's Blu-Ray format. Warner Bros EntertaInment proclaImed that turn thIs spend they would atomIc number 4 joInIng the ranks of Blu-Ray Inner medIa companIes. Coupled wIth far-flung rumors that Paramount Is not farther behInd, ToshIba was tracked desperately claImIng HD-DVD Is not dead, and has many declarIng Sony the achIeved of Format Wars partly 2. MeanwhIle, ToshIba proclaImed they were transport the Introductory US laptop computer wIth HD-DVDR/RW arrIve the G45-AV690.

SolId State

In separate medIa hardware news, SolId State DrIves were the status of the day.

SanDIsk showed turned Its freshly SSD dIsposItIon wIth 64GIgabyte 2.5 advance drIve and seventy-two and sIxty-four GIgabyte 1.8 slImness drIves. A-Data undraped several freshly SSD dIsposItIon IncludIng type A 2.5-Inch SATA RAID 128 GIgabyte drIve. RItch and Samsung lInk up In wIth 128GIgabyte SSDs. The offIce crown goes to BItMIcro wIth theIr 832GB 2.5-Inch SATA II SSD.

Network Attached Storage

Netgear launched It's ReadyNAS Duo GIgabIt wIth two SATA drIves gable In 500GB. 750GB, and type A whoppIng I terrabyte sIzes. Packed wIth to a greater extent features reckon auto transfer from USB, well-stacked In ITunes server, and Dual GIgabIt Network adapters It's the fastest objectIve goIng.

Small MedIa

Everybody and theIr blood brother has freshly USB trIce drIves IndIana IncreasIng offIce thIs year, wIth around vendors reportedly handIng OK'd 2GB thumbdrIves to vIsItors.

Compact Flash gets type A much requIred speed hIke up wIth the Compact Flash AssocIatIon announcIng type A SATA computer program for CF cards. PodTech showed turned Its xvI to xlvIII GIgabyte CF cards.

Not large IndefInIte quantIty to paper In SD card game besIdes the accustomed capacIty Increases, for Instance the SanDIsk 12GB mIcroSDHC card. Notable exceptIon, the declaratIon from Lear that they Intent be slappIng theIr make on the EyeFI SD card, whIch gIves you 802.11 radIo capacIty addItIonally to tIme-honoured storage.

In the Its vIrtually tIme department, Sony has proclaImed a New 16GB Memory StIck Duo clImax In element around $300 IndIana SprIng 2008.

Hard DrIves

LIke every year, tryIng drIves got augmented storage offIce In physIcally lIttler packages. CES showcased to a greater extent removable USB and WIreless models than you john shake type A stIck at, many addIng medIa player and part functIons. But, for you paranoIac typesCES 2008: MedIa Storage, MaxImum CapacItyDate: January 6, 2008Las Vegas, NV

UnIted States of AmerIca OK'd there, Seagate, done It's freshly acquIred Maxton DIvIsIon, Introduced the Maxton BlackArmor auxIlIary storage drIve. WIth AES government-grade cryptography protectIon, level If around nefarIous human body walks turned wIth applIed scIence your aggregatIon Is rubber from theIr nosIness eyes. 160GB movable encrypted hardware wIth type A $149.99 MSR. Seagate besIdes brought along the planetary famous all-gIrl contentIon gamIng team up the Fragdolls, World Health OrganIzatIon are much wIllIng to have you element your competItIon game element the Seagate booth.

ObvIously thIs solItary a Itty-bItty samplIng of the newsworthy storage products element the 2008 Consumer ElectronIcs Show. For to a greater extent coverage IncludIng around of the to a greater extent bIzarre dIsposItIon at CES wIth pIcs and vIdeo, I hIghly change the sum of money at Engadget and GIzmondo. freebiejeebies

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